There are plenty of ways to start living the minimalist life right now and enjoy the benefits of living more simply. Below you can find 15 minimalist life hacks that will simplify your life!
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Home Minimalist Life Hacks
Your home should be your oasis of peace. Make it a cozy retreat devoid of clutter by using these home minimalist life hacks.
1. Declutter one room at a time
Once you have the minimalist mindset, identify a room to start with and begin decluttering it. Start small and go from there. It’s easier to tackle one room at a time than your whole home.
2. Find a minimalist organization method that works for you
It’s also important to find a minimalist organization method that works for you. Some people like storage closets, while others love the minimalist look of open storage. If you can’t decide, try different types of minimalist organization systems to see what works best in your home.
3. Donate or sell anything you haven’t used in the past year
Look through your items and identify anything you haven’t touched in a year, maybe even longer. If it’s something you haven’t used recently or at all, consider donating it to charity, selling it online, or passing it on to someone else who can use it.
4. Declutter by category, not location
Try a minimalist organization method of decluttering your home by category rather than location. That means you sort through all of the similar items at once no matter where you keep them in your house. Divide them into piles for “keep” and “toss”. You can then distribute those items throughout your house as needed before tackling another category.
5. Purge your home of “extras”
Look through each room and identify anything extra you have. For example, if you have many backup beauty products that you don’t plan on using anytime soon, consider purging them. This minimalist lifestyle trick isn’t as hard as you might think: just don’t buy “extras” before you actually need them.
Minimalist Life Hacks for Your Daily Routine
Minimalism is not just about your personal belongings, it’s more about the mindset. These minimalist life hacks will improve the quality of your daily life by switching your priorities.
6. Prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to relationships
Another minimalist habit is to prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to your closest relationships. Sometimes it is better to have a smaller but closer community of friends and family than a bigger but distant one.
7. Limit commitments to what is truly important to you
Minimalist living also involves knowing your priorities and boundaries. Once you know what is most important to you, it’s much easier to say “no” to something that doesn’t really matter to you.
8. Take time for yourself every day
Another minimalist lifestyle tip is to take time for yourself every day. This is especially important if you are one of those people who finds it hard to slow down. Minimalist living doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything but work or relax, only that the time you devote to each activity should reflect your personal happiness and satisfaction.
9. Set your personal priorities
Take some time to consider your priorities in each area of life, which can include family, work, hobbies, and so on. After you’ve determined where your values lie, it’s much easier to let go of things that don’t align with them.
10. Be grateful for what you already have
Identify what you already have instead of focusing on what you don’t. It’s easy to complain about how little space your apartment has, but it’s more important to be grateful for the roof over your head and the bed in which you sleep at night.
Develop a Minimalist Mindset
By developing a minimalist mindset you start to question things around you and notice things you haven’t before. The minimalist life hacks below will help you develop a more critical mindset towards the world you live in.
11. Become an active consumer of information and media
Our minimalist piece of advice is to become an active consumer of information and media. Instead of watching TV while you eat dinner or listening to the radio on your commute, try something new like podcasts or audiobooks that can provide a fresh perspective and teach you new things instead of wasting time rehashing the past.
12. Pursue what is important, not just immediately gratifying
Another minimalist approach is to focus on the things that are truly important, whether it’s your personal relationships, your career, or something else. Don’t be afraid to put in the work necessary for meaningful pursuits but also avoid spending too much time on short-term gratification when you know it will hurt you in the long run.
13. Get to know yourself (and know what you can do without)
It’s also important to understand who you are and what you really need. This minimalist living hack can be especially helpful in combatting consumer culture, which encourages all of us to buy more than we need or want because it makes us feel better about ourselves.
14. Maximize the positive aspects of minimalism
Minimalist living isn’t for everyone, but finding minimalist lifestyle tips that work for you is entirely possible. Just remember to identify the good and bad aspects of minimalist living in your own life so that you can maximize the positive ones while eliminating or mitigating the negative ones.
15. Form minimalist principles on your own terms
Finally, minimalist living is all about making choices on your own terms and not letting others dictate what you should or shouldn’t do. As long as you know why minimalist principles work for you and what they mean to you in your life, it’s easy to make them a part of your everyday routine. Don’t let anybody tell you that you have too many or too few things in your home.

Final Thoughts
These minimalist life hacks can make a big difference in your life and it’s easy to find minimalist tips that work well specifically for your lifestyle. Just remember to keep your priorities straight, take time for yourself, and pursue what is important to you as well as knowing what you can live without.