Do you want to minimize your finances and belongings? Here are the 7 best minimalist shopping tips that will help you stick to your budget and shop intentionally.
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7 Best Minimalist Shopping Tips To Stay on Budget
When it comes to minimalist shopping, there are a few tips that can go a long way in helping you reduce your overall spending when going out. If you enjoy thrifty minimalist shopping and simply want to shop with intention, then check out the following list for a handful of minimalist shopping tips!
1. Research a store before going
Every minimalist has their own way of getting what they need without spending too much money and time.
Research stores ahead of time so that you know what they offer and at what prices. Some stores carry the same stuff at much lower prices than others. It pays out to compare prices between stores and buy things a bit cheaper. And don’t forget to check their
Also, when you research a store before going in you spend less time in there and go directly to buy the item you came for. This way you save time but also money by not buying anything extra.
2. Buy only what you need
The core of minimalist shopping is simply about buying only what you need without spending too much money.
This means thinking before buying anything and knowing what you want before going!
Go in with the plan and stick to it. If you come prepared you won’t fall into accidental purchases and later regrets.
3. Wait till the item is on sale
If you plan on buying something pricey wait till it’s on sale and then buy it. Know the real worth of something and don’t accept to pay full price on it.
Pro tip: add an item to your cart while shopping online and leave it there without buying. Chances are you will receive a discount for it through email or Facebook ads.
Minimalist shopping is the best kind of shopping because minimalists are quick at making decisions and always get what they want without breaking the bank.
If you see something you need and like on sale then use the occasion to get it for cheaper.
4. Make a shopping list
Shopping lists are what minimalist shoppers rely on, and you should too.
The simple reason is that shopping lists help you save money by only buying things that you need. They also prevent you from cluttering your home.
Always make sure to make a shopping list (or a wishlist) before going to the store and before online shopping (really important)!
This will help you plan your expenses in advance, make sure you stay on your minimalist journey and keep you on track with your finances.
5. Quality over quantity
When it comes to minimalism, quality truly matters more than quantity so when you go shopping be sure to think about how much wear and tear any given item can go through.
If something isn’t a quality item it’s better to skip buying it until you find something more appropriate rather than getting something that may only last a few days or weeks!
Check out: Quality Over Quantity Explained by a Minimalist
6. Try a no-spend challenge
When you eat too much for a longer time you need a detox, and the same goes with shopping. If you feel like your shopping habits have spiraled out of your control do a no-spend challenge.
A no-spend challenge is a perfect way to get to know your spending habits and to learn how to control them. You can choose to do this challenge for a week, a month, or even longer, it’s up to you!
Check this article for all the details on a no-spend challenge.
7. Shop with the intention
Don’t use shopping as a hobby, go shopping only when you’re looking for something specific.
Develop criteria for buying an item, like its material, quality, durability, price, etc.
You can also ask yourself certain questions before buying:
- Do I really need it?
- Do I really like it?
- Do I already own something very similar?
- Do I have a place to keep it in?
- Would I pay full price for it?
Be strict with the items you bring into your home and you will enjoy them for a long time.
What Do Minimalists Buy?
As already mentioned, minimalists like to invest their money into things that will last them a long time, they really love, and that serve their function.
This can vary from extreme minimalists who prefer to have as few belongings as possible, to relaxed minimalists that still enjoy their hobbies and have collections of things they cherish.
Things I still buy as a minimalist
There are some things that I buy regularly even though I consider myself a minimalist. Here is the list of things I choose to invest my money in.
In the past, I had skin issues so skincare products are something I highly value. For me, it’s more important to spend money on skincare than on makeup.
I prefer the minimalist makeup look and to pull that off I need to have clear skin because I don’t conceal it.
Quality food
You are what you eat and I choose to spend more money on local and fresh foods instead of convenience food.
I value my health and decide to take the approach of better safe than sorry when it comes to my nutrition.
We are still in the stage of renovating our apartment so we mostly spend money on furniture.
Our criteria for the furniture are that it’s multifunctional (so that we can use it in other rooms too), high-quality, and economical.
We make sure to think well before any purchase and prefer to slowly redecorate our place instead of doing it all at once.
Cat toys
I admit cat toys are my frivolous spending. I just can’t resist and love to surprise my cat with new toys which keep her active.
Items to take care of the stuff I already have
I pride myself on the collection of items I have to take care of my stuff, mostly clothes and shoes.
I have a fabric shaver, a steamer, an iron, a shoe cream, a shoe deodorant, etc.
Some might find this redundant but I strongly believe that if you tend to your possessions properly they will last you a long time.
Minimalists value experiences more than physical belongings.
I love going to the cinema, concerts, museums, and galleries, and love to treat my people with tickets to fun experiences. That’s how memories are made.
Home gym equipment
Since the pandemic started, I exercise at home so in order to keep my home workouts more fun I decided to invest in some home gym equipment.
It’s nothing major but enables me to do different strength workouts which I find to be more effective for my body type.
Netflix subscription
My fiance and I love to spend most of our nights watching TV shows so a Netflix subscription is something essential to us.
For the price of a monthly subscription, we have an unlimited number of shows and movies always available. Priceless for us!
Fresh flowers
This is another frivolous spending, I admit. But I love, love, love how the fresh flowers look in my home and they are my favorite home decor.
Over the years, I learned a trick how to keep them fresh longer – just add a spoon of sugar to the water you keep them in!
Practical Minimalist Shopping Tips
These minimalist shopping tips are simple to follow and are really useful when it comes to saving money.
They will also help you develop a more mindful mindset when it comes to shopping and your home will be clutter-free.
Hope you find these minimalist shopping tips helpful and that you will apply them in the future!
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