Happiness means different things to different people, but research has shown that simplicity in life is so much more fulfilling than all the material things.
When simplicity is the goal in life, most of your worries will disappear. You can focus more on what’s really important and be truly happy.
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What Is Simplicity in Life?
Simplicity in life is a state of mind where simplicity has been achieved.
Living a simple life does not mean living an impoverished one, though it may seem like that to some at first. It rather means appreciating the little things in life more than the material things.
By little things, I mean more free time, your loved ones, your hobbies, nature, good food, etc.
Basically, more experiences and less stuff.
When you achieve simplicity in life, you feel calmer in daily situations and simplicity becomes a habit. It shines through every aspect of your life.
Jump to: 10 Ways to Embrace Simplicity
Example of Simplicity in Life
You can apply simplicity to every aspect of your life but for the purpose of exemplifying simplicity let’s take a look at simplicity in nutrition.
When you eat simple and whole foods you feel lighter and have more energy. Eating simple saves you a lot of time and is also good for your wallet.
Learn how to prepare a number of meals you love to eat and rotate them through the month.
That way you’ll always know what to cook, you can prepare meals in advance, and you can go in and out of the grocery store exactly knowing what you need to buy.
Simple eating is easy, healthy, and economic. It might sound boring to some, but you can always treat yourself to an exotic meal at a restaurant.
Importance of Simplicity in Life
There are many benefits to simplicity in life.
One of the most important benefits is that simplicity gives us choices in the way we spend our time, money, and energy.
With simplicity in life, it can be easier to recognize what is truly important among all the different things fighting for your time and attention.
The biggest benefits of simple living are:
- Lower cost of living
- More free time
- Less stress
- Sustainable (smaller footprint)
- Better concentration
- Better sleep
- Stronger relationships
- Clean home
There are many more benefits of simple living and they are individual to each person, so it’s better to try living simply and see for yourself. 🙂
10 Ways to Embrace Simplicity
Here are ten easy ways to embrace simplicity in your life. Try them out and simplify your living.
1. Be grateful
Practice being intentional about the things you are grateful for. Start a gratitude journal; nothing special just a small notebook, and write 5 things you are thankful for each day.
Gratitude has many benefits. It makes you more humble, but also increases your long-term happiness, improves sleep and physical health, among others.
2. Notice the small things
Do you rush through life keeping busy and then wonder where the time has passed?
Take a moment to stop and breathe. Notice the small things in life that make your experience unique.
Take a look at the birds, flowers, people passing by, and just soak in all the wonderful little things that life has to offer.
I’m afraid if you don’t you’ll go through life like a zombie and later regret missed adventures.
3. Spend time alone
Being around people is wonderful, but everyone needs some time for themselves. Set aside time to spend alone each day, even if for only 5 minutes.
Spend this time in silence, relaxing, and doing something you enjoy. It can be drinking tea, reading, doing a self-care routine, or something else.
4. Enjoy movement
It’s pretty simple, physical activity makes you feel good. You don’t have to do anything crazy, a nice, long walk will do the trick.
Find what type of exercise you like to do and stick to it. It will keep you healthy for a long time not only physically but also mentally.
5. Sleep enough
Getting enough sleep is crucial for your health. Adults need an average of 7 hours of good sleep every night in order to feel rested and can be fully productive during the day.
Keep off the screens for at least an hour before bed, create a calming atmosphere in your bedroom, and try not to eat late at night.
6. Say I love you more often
Saying I love you more often creates a sense of security not only among couples but also in parent-child and friend relationships.
Showing your emotions generates stronger bonds. Deeper connections in your life will make you happier and will simplify your relationships overall.
7. Keep your home clean
When your home is clean you can think more straight and relax more easily in your house.
Take a couple of minutes every day to tidy your home. Keep the surfaces clear, take the trash out regularly, and neaten your living space.
By keeping your home tidy, you’ll spend much less time deep cleaning and you’ll always know where to find what you need.
8. Eat at the table
When was the last time you have eaten at the table?
Living a simple life means being intentional about different aspects of life.
Try to eat your meals eat the table. You will be much more present, taste the flavor of the meal, and be aware when you’re full.
You’ll also have the opportunity to talk with your housemates while sharing a meal, isn’t that wonderful?
9. Be present
Being present means focusing on one thing at a time. Multitasking will only exhaust you and in the end, you won’t even be able to tell what you have done.
When you’re doing something, whether in your work or personal life, be present in the moment. Give your undivided attention to the task at hand or a person you’re talking to.
You’ll appreciate what you did every day much more.
10. Stop comparing yourself
Your life is yours to live. Set your own rules and stop comparing yourself to others.
You will feel much better when you focus on your own life and stop noticing what others are doing.
Only then you’ll truly be able to enjoy your daily life and be happy.

The Beauty of Simplicity
Simplicity lifestyle enables you to slow down and take it easy.
The importance of simplicity is the beauty of living. Enjoy your life and the little things you enjoy.
Your life doesn’t have to be extraordinary in order for you to experience a wonderful life.
You can enjoy simple things and still have an amazing life but with less stress and worry.